Wednesday, April 1, 2009


You started reading. You could say something. Anything. Right now.
You could lift your head up from the page, look around, see if there
are people around or if you're in a room by your lonesum. Not that
You don't already know. You do. You could say something aloud;
You could read the bacteria on the wall if you tried hard enough;
You could announce how you feel for once; You could say anything;
You could say something aloud; What wouldn't you say aloud?
You keep reading. Have you ever thought about interruption?
Remember those times you let your blurts out? What happened
afterward? How does it make you feel now? You still read.
You could say something aloud. Say something aloud. Say it.
Say what you would say to someone that's not even there.
Say anything. Make something up. Say 'squilp'. Really say it.
You keep reading. You think the word 'words' a little bit.
You think. Say 'Go' ...You stopped reading for a moment.
NEH, 2008.

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